
 POTK in Aeroklub Raná 
...what we have been doing last years

1993 Our first overhauled and immaculate gliders were seen at the 21st IVGR (International Vintage Glider Rally) at Zbraslavice. Lunak, Sohaj 3, Orlík 16, M-25 Standard, Pionyr and VSB-62 Vega and several other foreign oldtimers were introduced.


1994Five old timers have been flying during the 1st National Vintage Glider Meeting at Benesov : VSM-40 Demant OK-9902, LG-125 Sohaj OK-0937, LG-425 Sohaj 3 OK-5988, LF-107 Lunak OK-0975, VT-116 Orlík II OK-6922.


We have flown as many as 85 hours. Numerous groups of modellers took part at this meeting with RC models of vintage gliders.


1995 The renovations and overhauls of old wooden gliders successfuly expanded to our aeroclubs. The most often overhauled type of glider are VT-16 and VT-116 Orlíks. Again five old timers have been flying during the 2nd National Vintage Glider Meeting at Hronov : LG-125 Sohaj OK-1968, M-25 Standard OK-2916, LF109 Pionýr OK-3903, VSM-40 Demant OK-9902 and home VT-116 Orlík II OK-6922. Together we have flown as many as 55 hours and several kilometres by cross country flights.


1996 International Rendezvous 96 in hand with the 3rd National Vintage Glider Meeting was performed at airfield Rana near Louny. A total of 14 historical gliders flew over the memorable hill Rana. Two Kranichs, one magnificently overhauled Gö-4 from Germany and the replic of Zlín Z-23 Honza assembled by Jozef Ott from Nitra (Slovakia), were among the most admired ones. The members of POTK have flown as many as 35 hours by 68 aerotow takes off. One afternoon was used for performance of bungee take offs. The VHS video record of 42 minutes was made about this meeting.


1997 The 4th National Vintage Glider Meeting was organized at Sumperk. First time POTK´s club flag was hoisted there. Nine historical gliders participated at this meeting.


The great rarity was a two-seater LG-130 Kmotr. Although there weren't good meteorological conditions we flew at least sixty hours and seventy takes off.


1998 26. International Vintage Glider Rally and the 5th National Vintage Glider Meeting was at Nitra (Slovak Republic) . POTK was an organizer there. We had a great hot weather witht termals and drying wind. A part at the meeting took 138 people from 13 countries with 39 olditimers. 6 gliders came frome Czech and two gliders of Slovak republic: Z-23 Honza OM-5619 and LF-107 Luňák OM-0972 of Bratislava.

1999 6th National Vintage Glider Meeting started at aeroklub Jeseník. A rainy wather and flooded runway welcomed all arrivers. At the second day the meeting was moved to Hronov aerodrome. A new built replica of school glider SG-38 from Raná was introduced here. At Hronov we also started to use UL towplane TL-232 Condor. Including the SG-38 replica we have been flying three VT-16 Orlík, LF-107 Luňák, LF-109 Pionýr, LG-425 Šohaj 3, VT-116 Orlík II a VSM-40 Démant.

2000 7th National Vintage Glider Meeting was performed at Aeroklubu Tábor aerodrome, in beautyful landscape of the South Bohemia. More than 100 hours was flown in despite of bad weather. Following towplanes were used L-60S Brigadýr (dual/three tows), Z-142, Z-226MS, an oldtimer C-105 of Aeroclub Příbram and a ULLa Koala. 24 launches were performed using rubber rope. 14 oldtimers were flown: Z-24 Krajánek,LG-130 Kmotr from Medlánky, SG-38 from Raná, LF-107 Luňák (Benešov) LG-125 Šohaj (Benešov), an other Luňák and VSM-40 Démant from Zbraslavice, second Démant from Šumperk, VT-16 Orlík & 116 Orlík II from Hronov, doubleseater LF-109 Pionýr from Broumov, VT-16 Orlík from Praha Letňany a VT-425 ŠohajIII from Příbram. Coleagues from Pirna, Germany came with Foka 4.

2001 29. International Vintage Glider Rally was arranged by Aeroklub Zbraslavice. Well shepherd meeting was matched with 8th National Vintage Glider Meeting. At Zbraslavice rally participed 74 oldtimer gliders (4 from Czech Republic) of twelve European countries. A new members of Austria and Poland joined POTK there.

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